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Dr. Ali McMillan, Naturopathic Doctor

Plant Based Health

Time: 10:30AM


Dr. Ali McMillan is a Naturopathic Doctor practicing in Kelowna, B.C.. With a passion for helping patients feel their best, she offers compassionate care and evidence-based solutions tailored to individual needs. At Vegfest, Dr. Ali will be talking about how to transition to a vegan lifestyle in a way that promotes personal health. In this talk, we will explore the essential steps to adopting a balanced and nutritious vegan diet, ensuring you get all the necessary nutrients while enjoying a variety of delicious plant-based foods. Learn practical tips on meal planning, grocery shopping, and overcoming common challenges. Discover how a vegan diet can contribute to a healthier you, and leave feeling inspired and equipped to make lasting, positive changes.


Cory Davis, Agrologist, Coauther of "Plant Powered Protein"

Fork in the Road: Navigating the Environmental Cost of our Food Choices

Time: 11:30AM


Join Cory Davis, Agrologist, as he takes us on a venture through the hidden depths of our food system's environmental toll, from the depletion of water resources to climate change, land-use and biodiversity loss. As we delve into the stark realities of the food we eat, we will uncover the truth about the most environmentally impactful industry on the planet: agriculture. As we eat our way through the ecological life support systems that sustain us, bite by bite, we find ourselves standing at a fork in the road: one path perpetuates the status quo, herding us toward the edge of a precipice, while the other beckons with a unique opportunity to action the twin crises of biodiversity loss and climate change. The choice is ours to make. This presentation will not only enlighten but also inspire you to contemplate the profound implications of our dietary choices. Join us in charting a course toward sustainability and resilience. Which path will you choose?


Dianna Yale, Dee's Nutty Cheese

Make Delicious cheeze with the owner of Dee's Nutty Cheese

Time: 12:30PM


Dee will be showing you how to create your own cheese at home with just a few simple ingredients! This is a basic recipe you can change and flavour to your liking and desire!


Bill and Connie DeKramer, Amazing Health Effortlessly

Restoring Health & Natural Weight Loss with Whole Foods

Time: 1:30PM


We were born to thrive. Every cell of the 70 trillion cells in our bodies has the blueprint for a healthy, balanced functioning of our tissues and organs. The force behind the obesity and chronic health epidemic we see today is not that our bodies have lost their ability to be healthy, but that they are awash in an unhealthy internal environment produced by high-calorie, low nutrient dense foods. Connie and Bill have been helping people restore health and lose weight naturally for 30 years by returning to a Whole Food Plant Based diet that cleans up the internal environment and turns back on those genes that have us thriving with energy, clarity and vitality. They will also discuss how they provide guidance in making the shift to WFPB sustainable by addressing the mental/emotional relationship we have with food.


Faith Affleck, Star's Piggly Wigglys Sanctuary

The Animals of the Sanctuary

Time: 2:30PM


Faith Affleck, owner and caretaker of Star's Piggly Wigglys Sanctuary, is passionately dedicated to the care of non-human animals, especially pigs. She shares her story of how the sanctuary came to be and the enduring legacy of its first resident, Star. For more than 10 years Faith has made a home for many rescued pigs and some other animals as well.

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